Tuesday, May 12, 2009
My Feelings
Yesterday after work, I was feeling overwhelmed by emotions that I needed to get away and clear my mind and put it on paper. Here it is:
I'm sitting here in my usual spot where I like to be alone, downtown by the water. I'm so tired of feeling like this. I'm tired of my feelings not meaning anything. I'm tired that he can never apologize. I'm tired of feeling less than. I'm tired of being called the names I get called. I'm tired of the "D" word. I wish I felt loved the way a wife should. It hurts my heart that he is tired of the relationship. It hurts that I'm not happy the way I wish I was.
I sometimes put on a smiley face to cover up my feelings and problems but I also tend to wear them on my sleeve. I wish he loved me the way I long for him to. Maybe it's him or maybe it's the constant problem we have in our relationship. I wish he looked at me the way he used to. I just want to scream. I don't feel like I can get the cry out that I need to to feel some relief. I'm tired of feeling like this. Sometimes I feel trapped. I sometimes wish I was alone just so I can clear my head. I know I'm here writing my thoughts down but my daughter is here.
I love him and want to spend the rest of my life with him but I never thought I would feel the lack of love at times that I do. With the verbal words I hear from time to time about the same 'ol shit. It just breaks my heart.
This was never what I wanted my daughter to grow up around. I don't want her to think this is normal but I also don't believe in divorce. I took my vows seriously. It hurts me that he thinks things are a joke when I'm sharing my feelings or crying (which is a reason why I rarely cry around him anymore). I wish I got some sympathy from him but I don't. A hug or something. I just hope my daughter doesn't follow in my footsteps.
I just wish I could run away for awhile. I wish things were simpler. I wish I didn't feel so alone right now. Sometimes, sure i wish I was alone but on my terms. Not because I'm not wanted.
Since Sunday (yes, Mother's Day), he keeps asking if I'll go down to the courthouse to pick up "the papers". I'm sorry but I refuse to sign "the papers". He keeps bringing it up so freely that I'm starting to think that he's doing it just to get to me cause he knows I will not sign them. If he was so serious, he wouldn't have put his wedding ring on before leaving for work this morning.
I will just continue to pray and pray and pray and hope that God will get through to him and realize that I would never do anything to hurt him AND this weight lose of mine is only me wanting to be healthy and wanting to set a positive example for my child.
Friday, April 17, 2009
My Insecurities
My husband and I have separate email accounts. We know each others passwords too. It's no secret. He sometimes checks my email. I personally think "Big deal. I have nothing to hide." It honestly doesn't bother me. He knows that I have checked his too. We usually check each others if we are waiting for an email from some place that we are expecting an email from and depending on who's email it is going to.
So last night, my husband was watching his sports in the family room and I was watching a movie in the bedroom. I stopped at one point to go check my email in the computer room. Apparently my husband had been in there last checking his email cause he was still logged in. I thought I would just browse his email briefly and I came across one that read in the subject line something to the effect of "Italian hostess". I open it and this is what I saw. He had received this just over a week ago from his cousin. He always sends him crap like this. I just have a hard time with this so I went out to the family room and said:
Me: "Nice dear. Nice email you got."
Husband: "What one are you talking about?"
(Now come on!! Don't play dumb here buddy!)
Me: "You know exactly which one I'm talking about."
Husband: What about it?
Me: You always show me when you get emails like this.
Husband: I didn't think anything of it.
(Yeah right! You know exactly how I am.)
Me: Can I delete it?
Husband: I don't care. It's not like I'm hiding anything.
So you know I had to delete it. Deleted it from the trash too. I know I'm probably just making myself more miserable or just looking into it way to much.
Mind you, I've always been insecure and he knows this. He's know this the whole 16 yrs we've been together. While we've been together I had gained 40 lbs but I just lost it all. I thought that I was going to be better about my insecurities once I lost the weight. I guess I just feel threatened, I don't know. Maybe for the fact that he didn't get rid of the email makes me feel like he wanted it there for his viewing pleasure, I have no idea. I just know it makes me feel like crap and that I'm not good enough sometimes. I also feel he watches certain things to get a rise out of me but it just causes more stress than anything. It's just that society has it where women need to look a certain way and if we don't, we're not excepted. We may look that certain way on the outside but some of us sure don't feel it on the inside and it's just driving me crazy!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Word of the Day!
Instead, I will leave you with this awesome story about a dog in Australia that survived 4 months on it's own after going overboard it's owner's boat. Being an animal lover, this is such a heartwarming story!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Which one's the mother, which one's the daughter?
It sure has been a little while since I posted. I really haven't had much to say, to be honest. At least not on this blog of mine. So I thought that this would be a perfect time to post something. It's part of Mama Kat's weekly assignments. I normally do these on my regular blog but I've got a post planned on that one already. Can't leave this one too unattended, right?!
So anyways, here's this weeks prompts:1.) Why did you do it?
2.) What is a common misconception about you?
3.) Describe a moment when you felt afraid.
4.) In what ways are you turning into your mother?
5.) Are you always right?
Truthfully, I could do all 5 of these but I will spare you the long blog post. I love reading people's blogs but when I see that they are really long, I tend to click off of them and save for later. Sometimes (most of the time) I forget about them. Since this would create a reeeeaaally long one, I'll choose just one....#4.
I need to first start this off my saying, my mom is NOT my mother. I have never called my mom "mother" and never will. I feel the label is just that...a cold, wretched woman. So, the ways I feel I'm turning into my MOM are these:
My mom is my friend and someone I love to hang out with. The fact that I am a mom and my daughter absolutely loves to hang out with me, go to the store, church, snuggle makes me feel like I am creating that loving bond with her as I have with my mom.
The fact that my mom is truly a goofball. I have on more than one occasion been called this. Okay, lets be honest here....when I die they will probably put "goofball" somewhere on my tombstone.
Oh, and if you want to include looks, well then let that be another one. I have been told so many times that my mom and I look so much alike except for the fact of the age difference. She's still pretty young too, considering my age and all. She is only 21 years older than me. I'm actually proud to say my mom is still in her 50's. Don't ask me why but I am. Call me weird. :0P
Oh yeah, we have a huge heart when it comes to animals. We just love them so much!! They are innocent creatures and they get treated terribly by some. We even cringe and turn the channel on TV when there is an animal who is hurt or about to get hurt. In fact, if I ever win the lottery (I guess I should play to make this happen), I would donate a huge percentage to a number of animal foundations.
I'm sure there are more things but I can't think of any at the moment. Plus, I'm at work and I should really quit goofying off. ;o)
Friday, March 20, 2009
The Mother-in-Law
I am feeling a bit like a mama lion right now so bare with me here.
My child is 6 yrs old. She is at an age where she likes to play and not just sit around. It's normal. She wouldn't be normal if she did want to just sit around and do nothing.
My daughter has a cousin who just turned 2 yrs old. This child has a mother and father who prefers to party rather than taking on their parental roles. This child (along with his mother) lives with my mother-in-law.
My mother-in-law watches my child a couple days a week while my husband and I are at work. She also takes care of her other grandchild all the time cause again, the parents are all about themselves first. However, her idea of taking care of this other grandchild is by putting him on the floor to watch TV or to play by himself while she is on the computer. all. day. long.
Now, just the other day when she was watching my child, well...in reality, my child was over there playing with her Aunt while my MIL once again was on the computer, my child overheard her say to someone that "she needs a break from taking care of her. It's just too much." First of all, SHE really wasn't watching my child, the Aunt was. This woman is lazy. She doesn't do anything but sit at the computer or watch her soaps. Meanwhile, this woman will go out of her way to drive up the street to pick up her other grandchild (the boy) when he isn't there with her cause "he likes being with me more". Are you fricken kidding me????? She'll go out of her way to pick this 2 yr old up and watch him but she needs a break from my child??? What's she gonna do when this kid is 6 like my child? What it is is that she has control over this other grandchild and she doesn't with my daughter. My MIL is a control freak and it bothers her that we open our mouth when it comes to our child when my SIL doesn't when it comes to her kid and my MIL feels like she has control.
What the hell is wrong with this woman?? I'm pissed!!!! One, for the fact that she said this in front of my child who now has her feelings hurt and two, because I feel like my child is being treated "second fiddle" to her other grandchild. My MIL wanted grand kids, so now she has them and she is playing favoritism??!!
My child is a good kid. Don't get me wrong, I'm not blind like some parents. She has her moments like all kids but she is a very well mannered kid and is sweet. However, in that house she gets away with too much. In our house there are rules but when she's over there, my MIL likes to play "good grandma" cause she is competitive and wants to be liked more than the other grandma. Sick! But for the fact that she expects my child to just sit there, watch TV and not be active like all 6 yr olds should be just so she can be lazy and play on the computer just infuriates me.
I guess I should be happy that she doesn't want to watch my child. At least I can raise my child with the rules I expect to be enforced where ever she goes. We don't have a problem anywhere else but at that house. My husband and I both are just beyond ourselves right now. My poor husband couldn't sleep last night cause he was so mad. My main concern is my child's feelings. When you mess with my kid, you mess with me!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Having a camera handy
I'm late to work all the time. I try to punctual but it just doesn't work for me. Don't ask me why. I know, there are some of you out there rolling your eyes because this is one of your pet peeves but seriously....I try to be on time! Don't get me wrong, I'm not late 100% of the time. My boss deals with it because I'm a good worker. Lucky for me!!!
Now, when I know I'm going to be late, I always call my boss and leave him a "courtesy call" message letting him know. When I am late, it's never more than 5 minutes late unless of course, there happens to be a car accident and that is just something I can't avoid. When he receives my message, all he has to do is look out his office window which overlooks the freeway and he can see the traffic. Only things is, the spot where his office overlooks happens to be the split to two freeways which of course, traffic picks up at that point.
So anyways, we had one of our clients come into the office and we were talking about commutes and I mentioned where I was coming from and she was all "Oh wow, you have a terrible commute" and I said to my boss "Yeah, see...she knows!" My boss was telling her that when I call and leave my message that all he does is look out his window to see if there is traffic, but remember.....he see it when the traffic picks up.
So today, while once again sitting in traffic I realize that I had my camera in my purse. Hey!!! I'll take a picture for him so he can see that I'm telling the truth!!! (LOL!) So I did and when I got to work (1 min late) I shared with him that if he cared to see the pictures I so generously took for him, I had them for his viewing pleasure. Ha! So there, buddy!
So, the moral of this story is.......always have a camera handy. You never know when you may need it!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Word of the Day....
inanition \in-uh-NISH-uhn\, noun:
1. The condition or quality of being empty.
2. Exhaustion, as from lack of nourishment.
3. Lack of vitality or spirit.
It's actually ironic that this would be the word of the day. I've been feeling kind of empty or even mentally exhausted lately cause of personal reasons. MEN! Or in my case, it would be singular....MAN. Husband. What is it with them? I love him but he can sure be a pain in my you know what! Last night was a perfect example. We were
So, can you relate to the Word of the Day? Tell me about it.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I've been tagged...
1. Like Nikki, I too am afraid of the dark.
2. I can drink a bottle of A-1 if I really wanted to. The stuff is so delish!
3. I get nervous when my house is messy.
4. I have to sleep with the TV on at night.
5. I set my alarm clock 1-1/2 hours before I actually have to get up.
6. I don't like to go to parties cause I get really nervous being around a bunch of people I don't know.
So now I am supposed to tag 6 people. Since I have 7 followers, I will tag all of you. I mean really, what's one more tagged person, right?!
Matt at My Side Of The Story
Christi at Random Acts of Christi
The Wife O Riley
Hula at My Secret Blog
Diamond at {My Pretty Pink Blogette}
Handbags & Handguns
Indiana Joynes and the Temple of Motherhood
Friday, February 27, 2009
The In-Laws
What is it with in-laws? Is it a rule that they must be the pain in the ass that they so live up to be? The problem we have is, since my husband is the "black sheep" of the family (because he has his life together and the rest of the kids do not, weird it would be this way but it is), the in-law business is played out to both of us. Fun for us both!!
Let me set the scene for you....
My husband & I have been together forever, you already know that. We got married after 8 years of dating, we had our child a year later and then we bought a house a couple years later. When we bought our house, everyone was excited for us. We didn't have a housewarming or anything like that. So I guess that means no housewarming gifts??? Not even from our parents? Okay, it was never something that crossed our minds, no biggie......until now!
One of my husband's sister (whom he doesn't talk to. Long story. Good for it's own little post one day.) Well, she is a drama girl. Someone who wants all the attention. It's all about her and you can just screw off, basically. To give you an idea of how she is:
When she was getting married, she asked my husband to be one of the groomsmen. He was a last minute guy cause they needed someone on the men's side to compensate for her girl's side. So, anyways....she had invited me to her bridal shower. Well, so happens my dog died the day of the shower. My dog whom I had for 12 years. I was devastated. My husband called to cancel for me. I was just not in any mood to going to this shower. Well, because I cancelled, she called my husband back up later after and said she was taking him out of her wedding. My husband said "Are you sure about this? Cause if you call me back, I will not play your game and that will be it. I will be out of your wedding." She said yes, that she was sure. Well, sure enough....not more than a few minutes later she calls my husband back up asking him to be in the wedding still and he told her to forget it. He gave her the opportunity to change her mind and she chose not to. Nice sister-in-law I have, huh?! I can go on about a couple other stories on her but again, maybe for another post.
So, back on track here. This sister of his and her husband just bought a house. Well, one day recently my husband was talking with his dad and his dad mentioned that he bought the sister a fridge for their new house for a housewarming. Mind you, they hadn't moved into this house yet. Nor did they have a housewarming party. So this is where I say...."WHAT???? SHE gets a housewarming and we didn't?" Mind you, there is favoritism in this family....obviously! My husband was like "Must be nice! We sure didn't get one when we bought our house." You know what my father-in-law's response was?? "Well, you didn't ask for one." WHAT??? Since when do we ask for someone to buy us a housewarming? How tacky is that? My hubby then said "Well, okay then, can we have a laptop. Just one of the cheaper one's?" His dad was asking where and which one but do you think we ever got it? NO!
I'll tell you. All of my husband's sibling are such moochers. Anytime we all go to dinner, we pay for ourselves while his parent's pay for everyone else. There are 2 still living at home with mommy and daddy. One is almost 40 and the other almost 30 who also has his fiance living there with her kid from some other guy. What is wrong with people? I'm so glad that my husband is the normal one out of the bunch!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
My Husband!
When sports are on (which seems to be ALL THE TIME, whether it be the game itself, the highlights or when it's on the nightly news, it's always on), I can never seem to get my man's attention. It's like he is oblivious to everything around him. Take yesterday, for example:
My husband is sitting on the couch watching......that's right, sports. My daughter was sitting on the couch next to him doing her homework. The rule in our house is homework is to be done at the kitchen table. Makes sense, right?!
Me: "S", get your butt at the table and do your homework.
Daughter: But I'm doing it.
Me: You know the rule. Homework is to be done at the table. I don't want you watching TV while doing it.
Daughter: But I'm not.
Me: I don't care if Daddy's here or not. (She previously told me that he allowed her to do her homework on the couch. tsk tsk) You know the rule in this house.
I leave the room to use the restroom. I yell across the house to see if our daughter is still sitting on the couch. My husband says that she is. So now, at this point I'm getting annoyed cause since my husband was sitting right there, hearing all of what just went on but because sports is on, he was oblivious. You would have thought that he would have said "You heard your mom. Get your butt to the table and do your homework." but noooooooo! I have to yell it across the house to enforce it since I'm in disposed. Finally at that point he does. UGH!
Or how about this morning. I'm trying to get myself ready for work and my daughter ready for school. The only thing my husband is responsible for is himself and a sandwhich for my daughter, unless she get's hot lunch. Today was hot lunch day.
So again, what's my husband doing? Getting ready and watching ESPN. As we're getting ready to walk out the door, his eyes are still glued to the TV. He sees that I have to go but he doesn't help with anything unless I ask for it.
Me: I gotta go. (sounding rushed)
Husband: Pause. Eyes still glued to TV.
Me: Can you put the dog in the kennel? (again, sounding rushed and annoyed)
My thing is, why do I even need to ask for help??? Here, I just got our daughter and myself ready and I would think he would sort of ask if there is something he can do. I mean really, we go through this every day. Wishful thinking, I guess.
Sometimes I just wish men would think like women. Relationships would be so much easier, don'cha think?! ;o)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
What The Mommy Needs
Here's what you do... Go to Google and type in your name followed by the word "needs". List the FIRST 10 THINGS that show up. No searching around for something better!
1. The mommy needs a cocktail. Boy, do I ever!
2. The mommy needs coffee. Well, I'm not much of a coffee drinker but I will take a chai!
3. The mommy needs to know. I thought I had all the answers?! Don't tell my child that ;O)
4. The mommy needs a break. I'm actually getting it right now!
5. The mommy needs a dog, I'm sure of it! What makes you so sure I don't already have one?!
6. The mommy needs to clean the house. That is on my list today. Just straightening though. I keep a clean house already!
7. The mommy needs to go to work. No I don't! It's my day off. ;)
8. The mommy needs to go to a doctor or dentist. My appointment is already made!
9. The mommy needs coffee as well as the lyrics to Momsense here. I already got that coffee, oh what...it was chai! And what is this Momsense you speak of??
10. The mommy needs chocolate. How did you know??!!!
It's your turn to play! Tell your friends!!
Monday, February 23, 2009
California Rain
So anyways, we have rain in the winter. Nothing new. You would think that people who live here would know how to drive in it, right? WRONG! This whole weekend was saturated with stupid drivers. It's like they forget how to drive or it's that they're scared to drive in the rain. If that's the case.....GET OFF THE ROAD PEOPLE!! An accident is waiting to happen with them on the road.
Here's a few scenarios for you:
1. I'm driving home yesterday and I have a few cars in front of me. All of a sudden, everyone brakes and almost comes to a complete stop. I'm wondering what the heck are we stopping for? There isn't a light or a stop sign ahead. What could be holding us up? I decide to change lanes and it's some fool stopping for air! HUH?! Come on people!!
2. Or how about when they think driving up to 20 miles under the speed limit is safe.
3. Also, the other day my husband had some chick stop at a red light. It's a turning lane to turn right.
The rule: Make a complete stop. If it is clear, you may proceed to make your right hand turn unless otherwise noted (which it wasn't).
This chick decided to sit there until the light turned green. He had to sit there while all the other traffic went. I told him "Why didn't you honk?" I didn't get a response though. Then the chick decides to drive really slow getting onto the freeway. Maybe being cautious? Maybe a little too cautious. Who know but if a cop were there, I'm sure she would have gotten a ticket.
I say just drive people. Not crazy though! If it's raining, slow down to a normal speed. If you're afraid to drive in the rain, don't drive then. It's bad enough that people out here are always in such a hurry. Throw in some rain, a scared, slow driver in the mix and it'll just lead to disaster.....or road rage!
Do you have any "stupid driver" stories?
Friday, February 20, 2009
He Loves Me!
First, let me start of by saying that he was an ass to me yesterday morning. I'm not one to sit back and take it either. I gave him my fair share of slaps in the face with my words. I didn't start it though. I also must add that he is a typical male when it comes to apologizing too. I usually get "Well I'm sorry!" with the whole "well shit, what do you expect" kind of attitude. Apology NOT excepted, buster!!
So, at dinner last night (out of the blue, mind you) he says "I'm sorry about this morning" with the most genuine look and sound. I looked at him and said thank you and then........ yep, I sure did! I was a total girl and broke down crying. He asked why I was crying and I told him that I could tell it came from his heart. He then went on to say "well, I'm just really happy right now and you make me happy. I sometimes forget that and I don't mean to." Then he looks at our daughter and says "You really have a great mommy!" Then my daughter says "Yeah, you're the best mommy in the whole world!"
OMG!!! Can I really express how much I love these two people??!!!! They ARE simply the BEST!!!
I know this is my place to vent but I also want to share these sorts of stories too because my husband doesn't like me to share this kind of stuff either. So, shhhh......let's keep this a secret ;O) Awww heck, everything about this blog is a secret! No one knows about it but YOU and ME!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The Boss!
I would say we have a good rapport. He can joke and so can I. He says to curse if I need to, that it's good to "let it out". Fine! So I do when the time is fitting. And believe me, he does to. In fact, he'll even slam the phone continuously if something pisses him off. Whatever floats his boat! He's old enough to be my dad so he tends to come across as being mine which I don't like. I have a dad, I don't need another one!
So, he is a CPA. Yes, it's that time of the year too. He is rushed to complete returns and so it leaves him on edge at times. Which means, he tends to be short or in laments terms......is an ASS! Oh, and did I mention? He like, hangs onto every fucking word I say too!
So yesterday, he has me call a bunch of clients who haven't sent in their tax information. I dread this task every time cause I know he's gonna be listening in on each phone call conversation. I get nervous and he knows that. So when he gave me the list of clients, he reminded me not to "Hmm and Haw", meaning.....don't go "uh" or "well" or "hmm". He said the clients can hear that and it come across as if I don't know what I'm talking about. Fine!
I started making my round of calls and I think I was doing really good but he grasped on a couple words of mine and would correct me. FUCK! Quit listening in!
I later told him that I know he listens which makes me nervous so naturally I'm gonna "hmm and haw". I even do that anyways in my everyday chatting. He's just making it worse by ease dropping. He said that I need to practice my speach ahead of time. I don't need to practice, I need him to NOT listen. I even make a point to put the phone in my right ear and face my body towards the left (cause his office is on my right) just so that it drowns it out a bit. I guess it helps some.
I even came home bitching and moaning about this. I just can't wait until tax season is over. He'll be on vacation for two GLORIOUS weeks while I can have my own vacation at work without him!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Join Me!
This is my first post here. I'm not new to the blogging world either. This is my alter-ego blog. I do have another blog out there but this one allows me to say the things I need to say to get off my chest and not have to worry about offending my family or friends.
Please join me here as I will have a confessional once a week for anyone that needs to get things off their chest also. Don't we all know that at times, there just isn't anyone there to listen and I have found on my other blog that it helps. I will post soon about this upcoming, weekly post.
So, let out your alter-ego here!