Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I've been tagged...

I've been tagged from Nikki over at Life as we know it..... Apparently, the rules are to list 6 weird things about myself. Alrighty, this will be a hard one but here goes anyways...

1. Like Nikki, I too am afraid of the dark.

2. I can drink a bottle of A-1 if I really wanted to. The stuff is so delish!

3. I get nervous when my house is messy.

4. I have to sleep with the TV on at night.

5. I set my alarm clock 1-1/2 hours before I actually have to get up.

6. I don't like to go to parties cause I get really nervous being around a bunch of people I don't know.

So now I am supposed to tag 6 people. Since I have 7 followers, I will tag all of you. I mean really, what's one more tagged person, right?!

Matt at My Side Of The Story

Christi at Random Acts of Christi

The Wife O Riley

Hula at My Secret Blog

Diamond at {My Pretty Pink Blogette}

Handbags & Handguns

Indiana Joynes and the Temple of Motherhood

1 comment:

  1. A-1 sauce, Kimmy? lol
    There are times when I need the tv to fall asleep, too. Especially when everyone else in the house is asleep.
