Friday, March 13, 2009

Word of the Day....

I thought I would do a "Word of the Day" each week. We all could learn a new word, right?! Some of us may already know this word but for those of us that don't, here you go...

inanition \in-uh-NISH-uhn\, noun:
1. The condition or quality of being empty.
2. Exhaustion, as from lack of nourishment.
3. Lack of vitality or spirit.

It's actually ironic that this would be the word of the day. I've been feeling kind of empty or even mentally exhausted lately cause of personal reasons. MEN! Or in my case, it would be singular....MAN. Husband. What is it with them? I love him but he can sure be a pain in my you know what! Last night was a perfect example. We were arguing talking while watching TV. Well, to be more precise, we would watch the show ( and as soon as a commercial came on, my husband would start in. Then the show would come on and he would shut-up. Commercial, start in. See the pattern?!!!

So, can you relate to the Word of the Day? Tell me about it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so feeling this word this week. Looking forward to the weekend.
