Friday, February 27, 2009

The In-Laws

Okay everyone, pull up a seat and grab your coffee (or chai, in my case) cause most of you can relate to this topic. I seem to have all the crap when it comes to this too.

What is it with in-laws? Is it a rule that they must be the pain in the ass that they so live up to be? The problem we have is, since my husband is the "black sheep" of the family (because he has his life together and the rest of the kids do not, weird it would be this way but it is), the in-law business is played out to both of us. Fun for us both!!

Let me set the scene for you....

My husband & I have been together forever, you already know that. We got married after 8 years of dating, we had our child a year later and then we bought a house a couple years later. When we bought our house, everyone was excited for us. We didn't have a housewarming or anything like that. So I guess that means no housewarming gifts??? Not even from our parents? Okay, it was never something that crossed our minds, no biggie......until now!

One of my husband's sister (whom he doesn't talk to. Long story. Good for it's own little post one day.) Well, she is a drama girl. Someone who wants all the attention. It's all about her and you can just screw off, basically. To give you an idea of how she is:

When she was getting married, she asked my husband to be one of the groomsmen. He was a last minute guy cause they needed someone on the men's side to compensate for her girl's side. So, anyways....she had invited me to her bridal shower. Well, so happens my dog died the day of the shower. My dog whom I had for 12 years. I was devastated. My husband called to cancel for me. I was just not in any mood to going to this shower. Well, because I cancelled, she called my husband back up later after and said she was taking him out of her wedding. My husband said "Are you sure about this? Cause if you call me back, I will not play your game and that will be it. I will be out of your wedding." She said yes, that she was sure. Well, sure enough....not more than a few minutes later she calls my husband back up asking him to be in the wedding still and he told her to forget it. He gave her the opportunity to change her mind and she chose not to. Nice sister-in-law I have, huh?! I can go on about a couple other stories on her but again, maybe for another post.

So, back on track here. This sister of his and her husband just bought a house. Well, one day recently my husband was talking with his dad and his dad mentioned that he bought the sister a fridge for their new house for a housewarming. Mind you, they hadn't moved into this house yet. Nor did they have a housewarming party. So this is where I say...."WHAT???? SHE gets a housewarming and we didn't?" Mind you, there is favoritism in this family....obviously! My husband was like "Must be nice! We sure didn't get one when we bought our house." You know what my father-in-law's response was?? "Well, you didn't ask for one." WHAT??? Since when do we ask for someone to buy us a housewarming? How tacky is that? My hubby then said "Well, okay then, can we have a laptop. Just one of the cheaper one's?" His dad was asking where and which one but do you think we ever got it? NO!

I'll tell you. All of my husband's sibling are such moochers. Anytime we all go to dinner, we pay for ourselves while his parent's pay for everyone else. There are 2 still living at home with mommy and daddy. One is almost 40 and the other almost 30 who also has his fiance living there with her kid from some other guy. What is wrong with people? I'm so glad that my husband is the normal one out of the bunch!


  1. I swear, they are in every family. My siblings aren't as bad as your husbands but they have their moments. What a bunch of assholes.

  2. I'd be happy to be that kind of Black Sheep.

  3. I tagged you...stop by my blog if you wanna play. If not...then nothing bad will happen to you. Except maybe a little traffic coming over from my blog!!!

  4. oh, how I can relate! But that's all I'll say (for now lol).
