Thursday, April 2, 2009

Which one's the mother, which one's the daughter?

It sure has been a little while since I posted. I really haven't had much to say, to be honest. At least not on this blog of mine. So I thought that this would be a perfect time to post something. It's part of Mama Kat's weekly assignments. I normally do these on my regular blog but I've got a post planned on that one already. Can't leave this one too unattended, right?!

So anyways, here's this weeks prompts:
1.) Why did you do it?
2.) What is a common misconception about you?
3.) Describe a moment when you felt afraid.
4.) In what ways are you turning into your mother?
5.) Are you always right?

Truthfully, I could do all 5 of these but I will spare you the long blog post. I love reading people's blogs but when I see that they are really long, I tend to click off of them and save for later. Sometimes (most of the time) I forget about them. Since this would create a reeeeaaally long one, I'll choose just one....#4.

I need to first start this off my saying, my mom is NOT my mother. I have never called my mom "mother" and never will. I feel the label is just that...a cold, wretched woman. So, the ways I feel I'm turning into my MOM are these:

My mom is my friend and someone I love to hang out with. The fact that I am a mom and my daughter absolutely loves to hang out with me, go to the store, church, snuggle makes me feel like I am creating that loving bond with her as I have with my mom.

The fact that my mom is truly a goofball. I have on more than one occasion been called this. Okay, lets be honest here....when I die they will probably put "goofball" somewhere on my tombstone.

Oh, and if you want to include looks, well then let that be another one. I have been told so many times that my mom and I look so much alike except for the fact of the age difference. She's still pretty young too, considering my age and all. She is only 21 years older than me. I'm actually proud to say my mom is still in her 50's. Don't ask me why but I am. Call me weird. :0P

Oh yeah, we have a huge heart when it comes to animals. We just love them so much!! They are innocent creatures and they get treated terribly by some. We even cringe and turn the channel on TV when there is an animal who is hurt or about to get hurt. In fact, if I ever win the lottery (I guess I should play to make this happen), I would donate a huge percentage to a number of animal foundations.

I'm sure there are more things but I can't think of any at the moment. Plus, I'm at work and I should really quit goofying off. ;o)


  1. I wrote about my mom too. I'm happy to be like her.
    Just stopping by to say hi. I am a first time participant. Check out my non profit website
    We need help spreading the word
