Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Join Me!

Hello everyone!

This is my first post here. I'm not new to the blogging world either. This is my alter-ego blog. I do have another blog out there but this one allows me to say the things I need to say to get off my chest and not have to worry about offending my family or friends.

Please join me here as I will have a confessional once a week for anyone that needs to get things off their chest also. Don't we all know that at times, there just isn't anyone there to listen and I have found on my other blog that it helps. I will post soon about this upcoming, weekly post.

So, let out your alter-ego here!


  1. Congrats on your new post. Look forward to more.

  2. I was thinking of starting a second blog about the same thing! Sometimes I dont want to say certain things because of how reads my blog...or I want to bitch about my hubby or something...I will have to check you out for the confessions!
    fellow Sitsa!

  3. I already have two blogs... One in my daughter's voice (she's almost 2) and my Indiana Joynes identity. But neither is truly anonymous. So tempting... then I could be brutally honest. But to be honest... I'm really sick of the blogs that "Love God, Jesus, and my husband and kids." Harsh? Probably. But I really hate those. There, I was honest.
